Sonoma Valley, Calif.

The Entrepreneurship Project flew Missourians 2000 miles from home to Petaluma, Calif.  The participants got a behind the scenes look at four unique and successful agricultural operations.  Each of the operations was run by an entrepreneur.

The day started at 8AM with a visit to Green String Farms.  What really resonated with the participants was the fact that the farm’s founder Bob Cannard started the farm with only $1,200 and managed to keep it organic since its inception.

Secondly there was the Cowgirl Creamery, an organic cheese producer located in Point Reyes Station, Calif.  The Creamery prides itself on being a small company with a high demand.

Around 2pm participants visited Tara Firma Farms.  This farm taught participants the importance of educating the public about organic farms and the local food movement.

A video highlighting the tours will be posted soon.

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